Creating genograms is easier than you may think. We have collected a series of articles to help you get started and dive deaper with genograms.

A genogram can look sophisticated with its many lines and shapes but that doesn’t mean you don’t have the capability to create one yourself. Here are the steps to follow on how to make a genogram and the points you have to remember during and after constructing one. Learn more...
Genograms help depict the key people in an individual’s life and their relationship with them. This tool makes it easier for professionals to identify where issues and concerns come from within the family. Learn more...
A genogram is a family tree that emphasizes the emotional connection between its members. But how exactly does a genogram help professionals and individuals? Learn more...
Social work is a broad profession that covers a variety of interrelated practices. Social workers look at problems from multiple facets including their psychological and political nature. Social workers often use genograms to aid their work. Learn more...
A genogram is a family tree that comes alive. Genograms contain a wealth of information on the families represented because they allow you to illustrate not only how members of a family tree relate to each other, but how they are a product of their time, by their behaviors, friendships, and many more. Learn more...
There are typically two areas of concern that arise from students in a school setting: career selection and academic performance.These two have a significant impact on a child’s future, which is why keen observation and appropriate guidance are needed to ensure the children, as well as their parents, are on the right path. Learn more...
A genogram is a popular tool among therapists delving in family therapy. The graphic tool provides detailed information on the interpersonal relationship within a family. It takes into account the past and present aspects that impact the current situation. Learn more...
The example of Princess Diana, while particular to her family's situation, reflects common family gender problems. Learn more...
The family history of Pope John Paul II with genograms. Born in Wadowice, Poland, Pope John Paul II was one of our most extraordinarily dedicated popes, and one especially loved by Polish Catholics for what he did for his countrymen. Learn more...
According to family therapist Murray Bowen, the two-person relationship is the basic unit of any emotional system. However, the two-person system is an unstable system in the sense that, under stress, it tends to draw in a third to stabilize, creating a three-person system of two-against-one, or two-helping-one. Learn more...
We asked Niels Martensen, an avid GenoPro user, to give us some genealogy tips gathered from his personal experience. Here is what he shared with us. Learn more...
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